Sunday Morning Reflection

It’s Sunday, I’ve just finished my Ajna and Sahasrara Chakra Breathework session with my wonderful air muse, Nour Elise. What a beautiful friendship that has create such transformation in my human experience. This session I felt an incredible new sensation of ascension and bliss almost an out of body experience where I felt my soul jolt out for a second, I almost felt like a died and came into full omnipresent being.

I love that I am a powerful spiritual being having this human experience and can oscillate between many fields of conscious experience. How beautiful it is to have the cosmic perspective that I have and be able to use that to cultivate abundance, joy, creation, connection, love, happiness, fulfillment, purpose, passion, ecstasy, peak experience, flow state, joy, radiance, peace and harmony. These words flow from the essence of my being and are experienced daily. I am a being of pure light. I am a powerful, luminous and radiant spiritual force within the greater collective of source consciousness. I am a connector of darkness and light. I have a profound relationship with myself that teaches me the power of commitment, responsibility, discipline, beauty, acceptance, compassion, empathy and love.

I am a liquid being of moving energy that becomes one in the ocean. That flows like the rain from clouds, through the mountain tops, between the streams, over the rocks that bejewel mother earths crest, to the vast oceans and waves that brush up against the sandy shores. I am oneness with all beings, all life, all spirits and all consciousness. I call upon that which I desire to fuel the abundance in my life which provides sources energy to serve and contribute. My life has purpose and meaning because I choose to live by the code of the conscious extraordinary.

When I sit outside, I feel the sun’s warmth on my body, the cool breeze that caresses my skin, like a surfer that uses his fingers to tickle the lip of a barrel when shooting down the line, I feel the excitement of the hummingbirds as they pop and float from flower to flower, jovial to stick their tongue and experience nature’s nectar. I feel the strength and dominance of the hawk that commands his presence anywhere he flies. Where he goes, birds make way for he is the Alpha in this region. I feel the flowers sprouting beneath the ground after a the first rain. Yellow honey suckles, so fragile the weight of the water droplets almost tearing them, but their strength lies in their beauty and when the water dries they open up and face the sunlight and take in a fresh breath of light. What’s this? A visiting bumble bee joins the party and sits in the center of the yellow honey suckle. How they love to satiate their sweet cravings. Where it will return to I don’t know. The location of the hive is always a mystery. But wherever it is, I know that it is the source of a powerful interconnected community where everyone plays a contributory role. Everyone is giving. The fairy bugs hatch from the dirt and make popping sounds as they give their life to the hungry birds who hover and catch them in their mouth like a circus game. The birds settle on high top wires and ledges taking turns swooping down to nab their breakfast. The one who gets the most wins! There is so much life to experience through what is around us. How I missed so much of these details in this yard when I was a child, and now I see everything in it’s being of pureness. Things come and go with the seasons, everything falling into natural order and harmony. No good, no bad, no right no wrong, just energy falling in and out of alignment with one another to find synthesis. So much to experience in stillness. So much to experience in a moment of pause. So much beauty everywhere.